Kings Island Banshee NanoCoaster
Thrill-seekers have something to scream about when they experience the world’s longest steel inverted roller coaster. With seven stomach-churning inversions, the 4,124-foot long coaster ties another steel inverted roller coaster record. Themed to a wailing mythological messenger from the underworld with flowing white hair and gleaming eyes, Banshee features the following succession of breath-taking thrills: A 167-foot lift hill, 150-foot curved first drop, a dive loop, a vertical loop encircling the lift hill, a zero-gravity roll, a pair of batwing inversions, outside loop, spiral, in-line roll and carousel, all at speeds up to 68 mph! As a result of the natural terrain underneath Banshee, riders experience an elevation change of 208 feet from the highest point of the ride – the 167-foot tall lift hill – and the lowest point with the batwing inversions. The top speed of 68 mph is not reached until the midway point of the ride rather than the first drop as riders experience on most other roller coasters.